As we all know, it’s not easy to stick to a diet.

There are temptations everywhere, and it’s so hard to stay motivated. But, don’t be too hard on yourself, everyone cheats once in a while, it’s only human. Just keep your mind focused on all the long-term health and social benefits, and that will keep your temptations in check. In order to make it a little bit easier, here are some tips to help you stay sane:

  • Do your diet with other people

Indeed, it is easier to do a diet if there are several of you doing it together. Go on a diet with a friend or your partner, so that you can support each other. It will be easier to eat together, to complain together, and to keep each other from cheating.

  • Change your diet step by step

Changing your diet as you go along will help you avoid frustration. For example, during the first week, get into the habit of drinking water. One or two weeks later, get into the habit of eating fruit or nuts (instead of fattening, unhealthy processed foods) when you want a snack. By doing things gradually, the diet regime will feel less strict, your diet goals will feel more attainable, and you will start forming healthier eating habits that you can keep for the rest of your life.

  • Choose your food

So that you can stick to your diet, don’t force yourself to eat foods you don’t like. Find what you like, that still fits into your diet plan, so that each meal remains enjoyable. Don’t eat foods just because they’re healthy and low calorie, find that foods that are healthy, low calorie, AND satisfy your taste buds. Instead of dreading each meal, savor and enjoy each meal.

  • Carry healthy snacks with you

When you’re on the go and in a hurry, it’s so easy to grab an unhealthy snack for your hunger pains – a pack of greasy potato chips, a big sugary cookie, or a buttery pastry. But if you get yourself organized and pack your snacks ahead of time, you can easily avoid these temptations. Pack yourself healthy snacks like raw nuts, fresh fruits, greek yogurt, or raw veggies with hummus – so you won’t have to go hungry on the go!

  • Exercise

Exercise will allow you to build up your muscles. With increased body mass, you will naturally burn more calories. And by finding exercise or activities that you enjoy, you will find yourself with a new hobby that will keep you busy and prevent you from snacking.

  • Substitute high calorie foods with low calorie ones

For example, you can replace the cream in a quiche with cottage cheese, and the butter in pasta with grated low-fat cheese. Add more whole grains and fiber to your diet, they will make you feel fuller and eat less. Eat more veggies – use them to replace fattier, starchier foods – they are full of fiber and water and will make you feel full faster and are packed with vitamins and minerals that your body needs!

  • Prepare your meals in advance

To make sure you aren’t tempted to cheat on your diet, try to prepare your meals in advance. This will prevent impulsive food shopping or eating out when you’re lazy or in a rush. It also allows you to measure exact quantities of each ingredient so you are in control of portion sizes.

  • Remove all temptations from your home

To reduce temptation, it is best to remove all the fattening foods from your home. Get rid of all sweets, cookies, processed snacks, and high fat foods from your cupboard and fridge. Indeed, if there are no cakes, no candy… you will have less difficulty eating healthy. Out of sight, out of mind!

  • Have a plan before going out

When going out for dinner or to a party, it’s easy to think that it will be impossible to stick to your diet. This is simply not true, if you make a plan before you go out. Make sure you have a healthy, filling snack or light meal before you head out, so you won’t need to eat much more later. Once you get to the party or restaurant, have only small portions of healthy foods like vegetables or low-fat proteins. You’ll come home feeling proud of yourself for sticking to your diet. And this way you don’t have to deprive yourself of the company of your friends and loved ones!