A successful diet comes from both the mind and body.

If the environment around you is not conducive to healthy eating, then how will you stick to your diet? Don’t worry, it’s actually really easy to set up your kitchen to be diet-friendly. With these simple kitchen tips, you can transform your kitchen into a healthy eating environment.

1. Eat on small plates

Eating on small plates or bowls will help you reduce your quantities. Indeed, if you eat from a large plate, you will feel compelled to fill it so that it does not feel so empty. Eating on a small plate, however, makes it easy to fill it without overdosing on your portion size. A big part of successful dieting is psychological, so trick your mind into it!

2. Have breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it provides energy for the entire day and provides the necessary vitamins, fiber, and calcium in order for your body to function properly. By eating a healthy breakfast, you will reduce your snacking urges during the day.

3. Eat slowly

Eating slowly allows your body time to give you a feeling of satiety and therefore not to overeat. Studies have shown that people who take the time to chew their meals and eat more slowly have better digestion and feel fuller. They also have smaller waist circumferences and lower BMIs. Studies have also shown that fast eaters are 11% more susceptible to obesity, high levels of fat and HDL cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar.

4. Organize your refrigerator and pantry

Stocking your refrigerator and pantry properly is important because instinctively you will grab the first thing that you see. Putting fruit or raw vegetables in the front of the fridge will naturally force you to eat these healthy snacks. Keeping nuts and seeds in the front of your pantry will also let you grab those healthier snacks. Hide processed, fatty snacks in the back of the fridge or in difficult-to-reach places in the cupboard, so you won’t go through the hassle of finding them and cheating on your diet!

5. Use colored plates

Believe it or not, scientists have actually discovered an optical illusion called the “Delboeuf effect”. Its effect is that when the food you are eating is the same color as the plate you are eating on, you feel like you are eating less and therefore still feel hungry, resulting in increased consumption of up to 18%! On the other hand, for example, if you choose to eat white fish on a red plate, you will actually feel like you are eating more and will feel fuller. So add those colors to your kitchen!

6. Use a kitchen scale for your portions

A challenge for a lot of dieters is correctly estimating portion sizes. If you want to lose weight more easily, you can use a digital scale. Leave it on your kitchen counter so you can use it for every meal. You will easily be able to weigh your food in order to have the accurate quantities adapted to your diet. It’s so much easier than having to do everything “by eye” or “by the handful”. (Extra tip: if you don’t have a kitchen scale, you can use measuring cups)

7. Keep water in plain sight

Hydrating is very important for the well-being of your body. Keep water all around you so you always remember to have a drink whenever you need. The water helps you avoid snacking between meals and keeps your hunger at bay. Also remember to drink water frequently during your meals, too – this will allow you to eat more slowly.

8. Have berries available

Having berries easily available helps you avoid snacks that are too sweet. Keep them ready in the fridge and give them a quick rinse before eating them. Don’t wash them before you’re ready to eat them, as they will mold quickly if too moist. Not only are they full of vitamins, they’re one of the best diet-boosting foods packed full of fiber.

9. Prepare your own snacks

A little bit of prep goes a long way when it comes to healthy snacking. First of all, either hide or get rid of altogether the unhealthy snacks that you love to binge on – greasy potato chips, sugary candy bars, processed cheese puffs, etc. Stock up on healthy snacks – or make your own! Separate everything out ahead of time into measured portion sizes using zip bags or plastic containers. That way, when you get the munchies, you can easily grab a portion of air popped popcorn, carrot sticks with hummus, or homemade oat energy balls, without overindulging.

10. Spice (& Herb) it up!

Let’s face it, diet food can get boring very quickly. Chicken breast after chicken breast, kale salad after kale salad. How can you keep it exciting so you can stick to your diet? Well, many people forget about the benefits of herbs and spices. Don’t be afraid to try new flavors like Asian or Middle Eastern spice mixes, or flavoured oils or vinegars. Better yet, grow your own herb garden so you’ll have fresh basil, mint, and coriander for all your garnishing needs!