How to Stick to an Exercise Routine

In order to stay healthy and fit, everyone should aim for an exercise regime of 150 minutes or more per week. You can divide these 150 minutes as you wish. For example, you can do 30 minutes per day for 5 days, and divide these 30 mins into two parts… it is up to you to choose and organize your routine as you wish. At first, it may be good to divide your sports time and build up your workouts gradually. Here are some tips on sticking to the regime you have chosen.

  • Get organized

It is always possible to find time to exercise, for example by changing some habits (like giving up TV) to play sports. Make a plan to fit your exercise program in your schedule with the days, number of hours and which exercises or sports you have planned for each session. If you have time left after your session, then reward yourself with 30 minutes of your favorite TV show.

  • Have an objective

It is important to set goals for yourself. This will motivate you to continue until they are reached. You can choose the objective you want, it can be to finish a 5K race or to bench press 30kg or to go down one dress size … whatever motivates you to get moving!

  • Enjoy yourself

It is important to vary the exercises you choose, the locations, and even who you do them with… so that they are not redundant and boring. Choose activities that you like and do it with people that motivate you. As you start to enjoy it more and more, you might actually start looking forward to your workouts and really get yourself in shape!

  • Ask for support

Don’t hesitate to ask your family, friends or professionals for help. For example, if you don’t know exactly what exercises to do, there are many kinds of personal trainers you could work with to get you started. Or if you need support to get motivated, ask friends or family to work out together. You can also sometimes sign up for free or low cost exercise classes in your local community center.

  • Note your progress

Keeping a diary will help you to motivate yourself. Write in a notebook when you train, with the number of times, your achievements, what exercises you’ve done, the weight you’ve lost, and anything else you would like to take note of. Over time, as you observe your progress, you will see that you are getting closer to your goals, which will be one of the most rewarding feelings in your journey to a healthy body!